Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Student Team’s Achievment Division (STAD) Berbantuan Media Film Situs “Astana Gede Kawali Terhadap Kesadaran Sejarah Siswa (Studi Penelitian Kuasi Eksperimen Di Kelas X ...
The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that make salarge contribution to labor absorption in Indonesia, however data shows a decline in the rate of labor absorption in the agricultural sector, especially among ...
Character education refers to school efforts to shape, guide, and develop student behavior according to specific standards. This research aims to analyze the biography and example of KH Mas Mansur and the cultivation of ...
Adnan, Bahana Aditya; Kurniawati, Tiktiek; Trianto, Manap(Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, 2024-05-31)
Soil arthropods play an important role in nutrient cycling and maintenance of soil structure. Thus, their abundance and diversity can indicate the biological quality of the soil. Due to different soil management practices, ...
The purpose of this study was to improve students’ problem-solving ability and metacognitive self-regulation (MSR) by applying science technology society (STS) learning model integrated with metacognitive self-regulation. ...
Sistem informasi merupakan hal yang paling dibutuhkan saat ini, baik untuk organisasi ataupun instansi lainnya. Perkembangannnya yang sangat pesat memaksa kita untuk terus berkembang dan lebih flexible menghadapi perubahan ...
The difficulty of breaking the chain of poverty in Indonesia is due to the lack of comprehensive handling by
the government. Poor people or underprivileged communities are people whose basic rights are not fulfilled.
There ...
In the Islamic context, investing is highly recommended so that the
future can be guaranteed. Of course, investments made by Muslims must be
following Islamic rules. Investing in economy Islamic concepts will provide ...
Darna, Nana; Faridah, Eva; Lestari, MN; Tinia, A. Grace(2024-03)
ABSTRACT. Environmental and technological changes are unavoidable for organizations, thereby making survival dependent on the ability to adapt to the demands of these changes. This signifies a critical weakness for Galuh ...
Rachmawati, Jeti; Martono, Edhi; Trisyono, Y. Andi(Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2023-07-25)
Zeugodacus cucurbitae Coquillett is one of the most detrimental pests on cucurbits. Control of this pest species
often uses insecticides and Polyscias guilfoylei is a potential source for bio insecticides. This research ...
The company growing among its competitors is something that needs to be maintained where the company gets the right steps to know the business development of its competitors. This study uses a qualitative research method ...
The objective of this study was to provide a description of students'
attitudes towards the Indonesian language and to develop a model
for promoting positive language attitudes. The participants in this
study consisted ...