Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Student Team’s Achievment Division (STAD) Berbantuan Media Film Situs “Astana Gede Kawali Terhadap Kesadaran Sejarah Siswa (Studi Penelitian Kuasi Eksperimen Di Kelas X ...
Kabupaten Ciamis terletak dibagian Tenggara Jawa Barat, dengan batas wilayah disebelah utara berbatasan dengan kabupaten Majalengka dan kabupaten Kuningan, disebelah selatan kabupaten Pangandaran, disebelah timur kota ...
Saefudin, Arif; Utomo, Susilo Setyo; Taneo, Malkisedek; Rosanawati, I Made Ratih; Judijanto, Loso; Nasri, Ulyan; Amin, Muhammad Zulkifli; Sudarto, Sudarto; Andini, Siti(Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(5), 433–446
(Bilingual Publishing Group), 2024-11-12)
This study explores how Indonesian history textbooks represent conflict and its resolution with a focus on the theme of East Timor. The research applies the methodology of Historical Discourse Analysis, examining various ...
Sudarto, Sudarto; Warto, Warto; Sariyatun, Sariyatun; Musadad, Akhmad Arif(J-KIP (Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan), 5(3). pp. 843-860, 2024-10)
The research aims to explore how the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model can increase students' understanding and interest in history education with a humanist approach. The method used is qualitative with a case study ...
Sudarto, Sudarto; Purwanto, Danang(International Journal of Education and Social Science Research (IJESSR), 5,5. pp. 327-343., 2022-10)
This study examines the revised 2017 and 2018 editions of Indonesian history textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research method uses a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach by Norman ...
Objective: To analyze the contributing factors of work-related stress among nurses in the
COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 101 nurse
practitioners from two hospitals in West Java, ...
Patient satisfaction is crucial in nursing services and could be influenced by nurses' caring behavior. This study aimed to discover the relationship between Swanson's caring nurse approach and patient satisfaction in the ...
Purpose: Pediatric cancer is a serious problem and still becomes a global challenge today. Various
complex stressors due to diagnosis, disease symptoms, and various side-effects from the treatment that
children with ...
Megarahayu, Dwi Yuli; Dadi, Dadi; Rachmawat, Jeti(Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 2023-10-10)
Kemampuan literasi sains pada peserta didik yang masih rendah. Keterampilan abad 21 menjadi fokus utama
pendidikan saat ini khususnya pendidikan IPA. Salah satu keterampilan yang sangat penting diperhatikan supaya
peserta ...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanasan global
yang digambarkan dengan perbedaan ketinggian tempat terhadap fenologi buah
kacang panjang. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga kategori ketinggian ...
The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that make salarge contribution to labor absorption in Indonesia, however data shows a decline in the rate of labor absorption in the agricultural sector, especially among ...
Character education refers to school efforts to shape, guide, and develop student behavior according to specific standards. This research aims to analyze the biography and example of KH Mas Mansur and the cultivation of ...