The objectives of this study was to describe the instructional process of
teaching speaking to bilingual students at Junior High School (Sekolah Menengah
Pertama: SMP) Al-Azhar Medan. The research was designed by applying
naturalistic qualitative inquiry. The data sources were taken from key informants
and supporting informants, the key informant was English teacher at SMP Al-
Azhar and supporting informants were other English teachers and students. The
data were obtained by implementing participant observation and interview. The
participant observation was held to investigate the instructional process.
Furthermore, the interview was conducted to collect the information on the
reasons why such process was conducted in the instructional process of teaching
speaking to bilingual students which refers to the perfective view of language
teaching. The analyses of this research were by applying Bogdan & Biklen (1992)
approach. The findings show that there were four steps of the instructional process
of teaching speaking namely Analysis, Preparation, Implementation, and
Evaluation or Assessment. Analysis was conducted to identify the process which
was done by teacher about what to be learned and to whom the lesson was taught.
The preparation is the setting up process in creating the strategies to teach
speaking; which happened directly or in the planning of the lesson plan.
Implementation is the main process in practicing speaking which applies the
strategies or method. Evaluation or assessment is the feedback from the teacher all
or parts of materials which had been studied. Based on the interviews and
observations it was found that the instructional process of teaching speaking
which had been done by the teacher refers to the interactional view because the
teacher taught speaking based on the student’s interaction directly in a real
context. These research finding tend to ADDIE’s (2003) model. The development
and designing includes the preparation, and evaluation that can be used as the
assessment. Based on the result of the study, conclusions, implications and
suggestions are directed to English teacher in modifying, designing and
implementing instructional process of teaching speaking and to get recent
methods in improving the teaching of speaking to bilingual students.