Acknowledging that vocabulary is crucial and that many students struggle to expand their vocabulary, the writer tries to solve learners' vocabulary-related difficulties and support teachers in managing the class by using Kahoot as a teaching tool for vocabulary learning. The expression "mobile-assisted language learning" (MALL) refers to the application of mobile technology to language acquisition. Students are only sometimes required to study foreign or second languages in the classroom. They can learn it anytime they want and from any location by using mobile devices. The Kahoot application is one of the many educational quizzess that the researcher uses to help students improve their vocabulary knowledge. This research aimed to investigate the use of Kahoot in Teaching English vocabulary at an Islamic Junior High School. That aimed to describe the teacher’s way of using Kahoot in teaching English vocabulary and to describe students' responses towards the use of Kahoot in teaching English vocabulary. The study employed a qualitative research design, including case study characteristics, and data obtained from several sources, including; classroom observations carried out by researchers, and observations recorded using photo and sound recordings, these observations were carried out on teacher and student interactions during learning using Kahoot media; and two rounds of interviews with student participants, immediately following after the learning was carried out, the researcher asked several questions to the students. The findings that the teacher gives instructions to students on how to answer quizzes in Kahoot, how to give names and how to provide profiles, the teacher uses three steps to use the Kahoot in teaching English vocabulary, including; discussing how Kahoot helps students to concentrate on their exams; and two discusses how Kahoot helps students to be more engaged and motivated in the classroom; and three discusses how Kahoot increases students' enthusiasm for the vocabulary, the teacher also gives 10 seconds for each question that has been included in the Kahoot and teacher gives 15 minutes to the students to answer many questions has given by the teacher. The students showed that they are very excited about the Kahoot, they like the Kahoot, and it makes them motivated by having students use Kahoot, and with Kahoot, they can memorize and know directly the answers to the actual quiz, the evidence showed that the students are happy to be able to learn using Kahoot and they are very enthusiastic and have fun when learning vocab using this quizzes. In addition, by using Kahoot students can memorize vocab faster, they don't feel bored, and increases students' English vocabulary. In addition, it is suggested that they use interacting and representative media to create a creative and enjoyable learning process.
Keywords: Vocabulary, Teaching English, Kahoot