The study reports on the classroom practice of literary studies on critical theory
(literary criticism) in EFL pre-service teacher education with technology
integration. Under the framework of reader-response theory, literacy language
program, and media literacy, the present study shows the theory-into-practice
process ofhow literary criticism ofreader response and other critical approaches
were made down to earth in EFL pre-service teachers' own contextual classroom
through the so-called 'classroom criticism'. The participants of the study included
the third grade students of the department who were enrolled in the subject of
Literary Criticism. They got involved in enjoying literary works assigned and
were introduced to the ways or strategies to respond to them with reference to
Reader Response theory. They got involved in using technology, gadget and/or
other similar types of technology for mobile communication, to get access of
relevant sources discussing the nature of the theory of literary criticism. Working
in group ofthree or four, they shared what they had understood from the stories
and responded appropriately to them. The findings indicate that the participants
got involved in critical activities such as group discussions and writing critical
comments in classroom and benefitted pedagogical implications from 'classroom
best practices' for their expected future classroom practices. In addition, the study
recommends that further study explore more on the influence of socio-cultural
contexts of classroom toward classroom dynamics