One of the obstacles in the development of mango plantations is the attack of fruit flies. Efforts to control fruit fly attacks
with simple techniques such as fruit packaging and fumigation were found to be less successful, so farmers used synthetic
insecticides. The use of synthetic insecticides that are not in accordance with the rules can lead to other problems in the
form of food and environmental pollution. Efforts to control fruit flies that are environmentally sound, one of which is by
using vegetable attractants in the form of methyl eugenol compounds found in basil leaves (Ocimum americanum), and
basil (Ocimum basilicum). This study aims to determine the effect of basil and basil leaf extracts on the interest of fruit fly
pests in mango plantations. The research was conducted in a mango plantation in Sidamukti Village, Majalengka District,
Majalengka Regency, West Java using an experimental method arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RAK). The
material used was distilled water from basil and basil leaves which was dropped on cotton and placed in a vertical model
trap. The parameters observed were the number of fruit flies that entered the trap. The results showed that distilled water
from basil and basil leaves had different effects on the attraction of fruit fly pests. The number of fruit flies attracted to basil
leaf distilled water was higher than basil leaf distilled water.