Online recruitment continous to attract many organization as Covid-19 Pandemic has
hampered many countries in the past two years. On the other hand, the advent of
information and communication technology has become an enabler for online recruitment
in many organizations. This paper analyzes benefit and drawback of online recruitment
technology based on some prominent studies in many countries. In addition, this paper
explores some lesson learned obtained from several early adopters in Indonesia to optimize
employee recruitment process in their organizations. This study findings from several early
adopter in regards to online recruitment technology in Indonesia showed some promising
positive lesson learned which suggested strong potential to adopt this technology in the near
future. Usefulness and easy of use of online recruitment system become the key factors of
adopting online recruitment technology in many organization in Indonesia for the year to
come. Several drawbacks also have been experienced by the early adopters which
represented some typical technical and cultural aspects which need to be addressed by online
recruitment technology adopters in Indonesia