Diarrhea or defecation is one of the diseases that often attack children. Mother's behavior in maintaining cleanliness and processing food is strongly influenced by the mother's knowledge about how to process and prepare healthy and clean food. The method in this study is quantitative analytic using a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in the UPTD Work Area Health Center Langensari 2 Banjar City as many as 3,196 people. Sampling in this study used stratified proportional random sampling so that the number of samples obtained was 97 mothers of children under five in the UPTD Health Work Area of the Langensari 2 Health Center, Banjar City. The results showed that mothers' knowledge of food hygiene, most of the respondents with less knowledge were 55 people (56.78%), the incidence of diarrhea in infants, most of the respondents in the diarrhea category were 64 people (66%) and there is a significant relationship between the pattern of knowledge of mothers about food hygiene with the incidence of diarrhea in infants in the Work Area of Langensari 2 Public Health Center, Banjar City in 2019 because the value of α> ρ value (0.05> 0,000) and chi square (χ2) count> chi square (χ2) table 33,541> 5,991). Suggestions are expected for Puskesmas to further improve health promotion or health education on food hygiene and the incidence of diarrhea.