This research examined students' perception on reading narrative text by using ESL
Lounge. The first, this study aims to explore the students perceptions to the
implementation of teacher's learning process by using ESL Lounge. This study use
Qualitative and case study at a Junior High School in Banjar, involving 20 students
to answer questionnaire. The collected data then classified, transcribed, and
interpreted. The result, gathered that the students showed their interest, curiosity,
and adaptability when they were looking at the screen shown ESL Lounge on the
projector. But in the questionnaire result the majority of the students still found
difficulty in understanding the points conveyed by the teacher. Their difficulty in
reading was influenced by teacher's teaching strategies, the students' lack of
vocabulary and their low motivation. In conclusion, the study's findings indicate
ESL Lounge can be beneficial for the teacher and can be an influential medium for
students, giving them a chance to explore in the form of English website learning,
motivating them to learn English in different ways from source books they usually
used if accompanied by a well-implemented teacher teaching strategy. The writer
would like to give suggestion for the teacher to started use a various teaching-
learning medium, for the students to increase their self-confidence and for other
researcher, the writer suggests further this research focus on the implementation of
ESL Lounge medium that can be intregrated into other skills such as listening,
writing and speaking.