Communication is a process of exchanging information or passing on meaning or meaning. In essence communication is a tool to connect one person to another and as a tool for nurses to influence the behavior of clients in the implementation of nursing care. Therapeutic communication conducted by a nurse at the time of nursing intervention will provide therapeutic efficacy for the healing process of the patient. Nursing services still often get complaints from the community, especially the attitude and ability of nurses in providing nursing care to patients. It is not uncommon for conflicts between nurses and patients as a result of unclear or uncommunicative communication resulting in disappointment and discontent and low trust of patients. Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone who emerged after comparing the perception or the impression to the performance or the outcome of a product and its expectations.This study aims to determine the Relationship of Therapeutic Communication Nurse With Patient Satisfaction In Inpatient Room Ciamis District General Hospital Year 2018.The method in this research is quantitative analytic with research design using cross sectional approach. Sample of 110 Nurses and 74 Patients, sampling technique using proporsional random sampling. Bivariate analysis using chi square.The results showed that there is a significant relationship between nurse therapeutic communication with patient satisfaction at Regional General Hospital of Ciamis Regency in 2018 because the value of α> ρ value (0,05> 0,000).The conclusion in this research is there is significant correlation between therapeutic communication of nurse with patient satisfaction at General Hospital of Regency of Ciamis Year 2018.