The North Ring Road of Tasikmalaya City itself is a road section that aims to reduce congestion in the center of Tasikmalaya city and as a candidate for exit access to the Getaci Toll Road with a length of 3.81 km. Pavement work is one of the works carried out after the first stage is completed on a road construction project. The role of heavy equipment is very necessary to speed up work. Heavy equipment productivity is related to limited time issues, environmental conditions, weather and other factors. The aim of this research is to determine the productivity of heavy equipment excavators, dump trucks, motor graders and vibrator rollers in class A aggregate material spreading work. which affects the work of spreading class A aggregate material. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive, which is intended to collect information about existing events. The data that was obtained during this research was not only compiled and collected but also included analysis of the data so that the final results could be concluded. The results of research regarding productivity analysis and causal factors are that the excavator's hourly productivity is 92.731 m³/ hour, daily productivity is 556.38 m³/ day, cycle time is 29 seconds. Dumptruck hourly productivity is 8.57 M³/ hour, daily productivity is 59.99 M³/ day, cycle time 42 minutes. Motor grader productivity per hour is 336.15 M3/ hour, productivity per day is 2353.05 M³/ day, cycle time 0.85 minutes. The productivity per hour of the roller vibrator is 77.024 M³/ hour, the productivity per day is 539.17 M³/ day. The number of heavy equipment is 1 excavator unit, 9 units dumptruck, 1 unit motor grader, 1 unit roller vibrator, with the time required for the excavator 4 days, dumptruck 4 days, motor grader 4 days, roller vibrator 4 days.
Keywords : Productivity, Excavator, Motor Grader, Dump Truck, Vibrator roller