Current technological developments require human resources to keep up with all
changes, especially in terms of mindset at work. The quality of human resources
must be continuously improved periodically through good organizational
communication and producing a good level of work discipline. This research is
focused on the effect of organizational characteristics on employee performance
(study on employees of PT. Adi Pratama Prima, Kota Tasikmalaya). The purpose
of this research is to find out and analyze 1) How are the organizational
characteristics of the employees of PT. Adi Primary Prima. 2) How is the
performance of employees at PT. Adi Primary Prima. 3) How big is the influence
of organizational characteristics on the performance of employees of PT. Adi
Primary Prima. The method used in this research is explanatory survey method.
While the analytical tools used are simple regression analysis, coefficient of
determination, hypothesis testing and significance test. The results of the study
show that organizational characteristics have a significant effect on employee