Roles are prescribed pattern behavior exprected of a person in a situation. gender roles are ascribed roles based on the sex of the individual rather than on characteristics the individual can control. In Contrast an achivement role is acquired based on performance over which an individual does have somme degree of control. Gender roles, particulary female roles, have undergone radical changes in the past 25 years. The fundamental shift has been dor the female role to become more like the traditional male role. Virtually all aspects of our society, including on educations, healty, culture, economics, marketing activities, have been affected by this shift. Gender as education and health development agent has the strategic position, because she has more interactive with her family, community and environment. To implement this program we must have the term of reference and process on implement this program we must have the term of reference and process on implementing, they are consist of : institution executor, monitoring and evaluation and references. Term of reference consist of measurement and analysis of social initiation, design and fact finding.