This paper raised topics regarding the implementation of flipgrid to
enhance students' self-confidence in public speaking class. This qualitative case
study research was conducted in one of the vocational school in Ciamis. This
research involved a tenth-grader consisted of eleven students and one English
teacher. Classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and a close-ended
questionnaire were used to gather the data in this research. The researcher coded,
transcribed, and summarized the data with triangulation data analysis technique.
From the results of the study in the field of teacher and students experience in the
implementation of flipgrid application to enhance students' self confidence in
public speaking class, it was found that the flipgrid application had a positive
impact on its use as a means of learning English as a foreign language, especially
in speaking learning which she had applied to her students. Additionally, it
improves their motivation to enhance their self-confidence while speaking.
Moreover, the teacher felt easier using flipgrid as a learning media. Students also
gave a positive feedback when the teacher used flipgrid to help their lack of
confidence while speaking. However longer treatment with this learning media
was needed by the students to enhance their self-confidence and their speaking
ability. Therefore, the future researcher could be using this learning media with
some modifications and adaptations to improve another skills in English learning.