In improving English language skills, Islamic boarding schools in Tasikmalaya
have a system of language rules. The students are taught and required to
communicate using English. But in reality, there are still some students whose
English is still lagging and weak. The purpose of this study was to find out how
the boarding school supervisor improved speaking through situational
conversations at an Islamic boarding school in Tasikmalaya. This type of research
is qualitative research. The research subjects are dormitory supervisors and
students of IPM an Islamic boarding school in Tasikmalaya. The technique used
in determining the research subject is the purposive sampling technique. Data
collection techniques with interviews and observations. The result of this study
shows that the role of dormitory supervisors in improving students' speaking
through situational conversations increases so that students' abilities continue to
increase, with this, students become more understanding and win English
competitions. It can be concluded that the supervisor's role is very influential in
improving students' speaking skills.