Gastritis is a digestive tract problem most often found in daily life. Risk factors for gastritis are irregular eating patterns, using aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, helicobacter pylori infection, having the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages, having smoking habits, often experiencing smoking stressful. Poor eating habits and consuming foods that are not hygiene are risk factors for gastritis. Irregular eating patterns are caused by the bustle of many teenagers outside the home such as to school, organizational activities, playing so as to make teenagers not have time to eat breakfast and lunch at home. The method in this research is quantitative analytic using cross approach. The population in this study were all adolescents aged 15-19 years in the Cipaku Community Health Center in Ciamis Regency as many as 4,256 people. Sampling in this study was proportional random sampling so that a sample of 98 people was obtained. The results showed that the majority of respondents' eating patterns in adolescents namely 60 people (61.2%) had poor diet and the incidence of gastritis in adolescents most of the respondents namely 56 people (57.1%) had gastritis and there was a relationship between eating patterns with the incidence of gastritis in adolescents in the Work Area of Cipaku Health Center in Ciamis Regency in 2020 because the value of α> ρ value (0.05> 0,000) and chi square value (χ2) count> chi square (χ2) table (43,341> 3,841), which is increasingly good eating patterns, the smaller the occurrence of gastritis in adolescents and vice versa the less good eating patterns, the more occurrence of gastritis in adolescents. It is expected that adolescents can improve eating patterns and healthy lifestyles so as to reduce the incidence of gastritis in adolescents
Keywords : diet, gastritis, teenagers
Literature : 40 References (2010-2020)