In a good governance that combines three main actors namely the government, private/public companies and in fact have not been able to synergize well. One of the relationship between the public and private sectors (companies) are still more profitable one party only the company, while the public has always been on the injured side. The operations are carried out by a company that is the community have tended to be detrimental to the around community. Therefore, it is needed for the participation of the government in regulating the importance of involving the private sector in achieving good governance. The participation of private/companies in social and environmental responsibility has been regulated in Undang-Undang Number 40 Year 2007 about Limited Company and Government Regulation Number 47 Year 2012 about Social and Environmental Responsibility Limited Company. Meanwhile, there is no single policy rule in Ciamis relating to social and environmental responsibility for the private sector/company in Ciamis region. Actually, if it is seen from the development of Ciamis district which is a region crossing the southbound lanes of Java,these conditions encourage the development of economic sectors, especially investment of several companies. With so many growing companies that are giving an unavoidable impact to social and environmental terms, so companies need to conduct social and environmental responsibility for the development of the surrounding communities. Therefore we need policies in the form of local regulation or the regent regulation in practice to make clear its legal decree.