Breast cancer occupies the first position related to the highest number of cancers in Indonesia
and is one of the early contributors to cancer deaths. Pain is a common complaint after
treatment for cancer sufferers. Pharmacological intervention itself is by administering
analgesics. However, in reality, giving analgesics is closely related to side effects, so non
pharmacological methods called complementary therapies are more recommended because
they have been proven to be safe and less dangerous than drugs. One of these methods is
aromatherapy. Aromatherapy, PMR, message etc. The aim of this literature review is aimed at
finding out the effectiveness of complementary therapy in reducing pain in breast cancer
patients using empirical studies in the last 5 years. The method used was a journal search using
the Pubmed, Sinta and Scholar databases for articles on the topic published in English from
2018-2023 was then screened using the Prisma method. The results of this literature review
utilize DSVIA by using keywords that are appropriate to the preparation of the report. Articles
are selected by choice of journal, choice of abstract, with inclusion and exclusion criteria, so
that journals are found to be investigated. The results of the analysis of the literature review of
8 journals that had been carried out, it was concluded that there was a significant reduction in
pain after being given complementary therapy. Based on this, it is also hoped that clients can
carry out various complementary therapies repeatedly and continuously when clients feel pain.