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Pengaruh Edukasi Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Tumor Payudara DI RSUD Majenang

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dc.contributor.author Hardiningsih, Ten
dc.date.accessioned 2024-07-08T01:26:18Z
dc.date.available 2024-07-08T01:26:18Z
dc.date.issued 2024-07-05
dc.identifier.citation APA style en_US
dc.identifier.issn Ten
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unigal.ac.id:8080/handle/123456789/4444
dc.description.abstract Anxiety can occur on the patient will operate operation , including on Preoperative breast tumor patients . _ Their anxiety _ experience Because ignorance about action surgery . Giving information And preparation operation very important for patient And nurse as form cooperation And can help patient prepare self Good in a way physique maupum psychological . Objective study This done For know influence education carried out nurse to level worry Preoperative breast tumor patients in the room Bougenvil RSUD Majenang . Method study with method quasi experiment type one group pre test and post test design on preoperative breast tumor patients _ with amount 10 patients responded . The sampling technique used Accidental Sampling . Variable independent is education And variable depen is worry Preoperative breast tumor patients . _ Instruments that used form questionnaire worry APAIS ( Amsterdam PreOperative Anxiety and Information Scale) . Data analysis using test Paired Samples T-test. Based on results analysis descriptive obtained data on the mean value before intervention amounting to 27.90 And mean value after intervention 13.80. This means there is decline to worry preoperative breast tumor patients _ after given education with leaflet .Retrieved mark The significance is 0.000 which is meaningful more small from 0.05 so H0 is rejected And hypothesis researcher accepted , that is variable education use leaflets have significant influence _ to worry on Preoperative breast tumor patient in the room Bougenvil RSUD Majenang. Research This conclude that There is influence education with level worry Preoperative breast tumor patients at Majenang Regional Hospital en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Rohmanaprilliaasri,Rosdiananina en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject : Education Leaflet , Anxiety , Preoperative patients en_US
dc.title Pengaruh Edukasi Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Tumor Payudara DI RSUD Majenang en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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