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Kedudukan Etnis Tionghoa dalam Multikulturalisme Indonesia: Antara Harapan dan Kenyataan

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dc.contributor.author Wijayanti, Yeni
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-20T17:40:12Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-20T17:40:12Z
dc.date.issued 2022-09-01
dc.identifier.citation https://jurnal.unigal.ac.id/index.php/artefak/article/view/8425 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2580-0027
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.unigal.ac.id:8080/handle/123456789/2238
dc.description.abstract This paper examines the position of the ethnic Chinese in multi-ethnic Indonesia. The dichotomy of natives (original citizens) and non-natives (citizens of Chinese descent) emerged since the Dutch colonial period, which is finally still embedded in the motherland. The purpose of this literature research is to reveal the position of the Chinese ethnicity in Indonesia. The method used is the historical method which includes heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Data collection techniques are carried out using literature or literature studies. The research findings show that there are still ethnic Chinese in Indonesia who experience discrimination even though the government is trying to unite all ethnic groups. Regimes changed after colonialism disappeared from Indonesia, but the gap between the ethnic Chinese and the indigenous population still exists despite assimilation and integration efforts. This can be seen when a crisis occurs, ethnic Chinese are often the target of anger from the native population. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher Jurnal Artefak, Universitas Galuh en_US
dc.subject Ethnic en_US
dc.subject Chinese en_US
dc.subject Multiculturalism en_US
dc.subject Indonesia en_US
dc.title Kedudukan Etnis Tionghoa dalam Multikulturalisme Indonesia: Antara Harapan dan Kenyataan en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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  • Jurnal Artefak
    The Jurnal Artefak was first published in 2014 based on a decree. ISSN 0005.0188/JI.3.2/SK.ISSN/2014.03 and ISSN: 2355-5726. The Jurnal Artefak also has an electronic ISSN: 2580-0027. Since 2017 with SK ISSN 0005.25800027/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.05 (19 May 2017). Every year the Jurnal Artefak publishes twenty articles for two issues in April and September. The focus of the studies carried out in this publication include history, historiography, educational history, and socio-culture. Currently the editorial staff of the Artifact Journal led by Aan Suryana, S.Pd., M.Pd. The editorial staff of the Jurnal Artefak is located in the Department of History Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Galuh at the FKIP Building 3rd floor, Jl. RE Martadinata No. 150 Ciamis, 46274 West Java. email: jurnalartefak@unigal.ac.id.

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