This study investigated blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading at the eleventh grade in one of Senior High Schools in Pangandaran. This case study is aimed at investigating the teacher’s ways in implementing blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading and investigatingthe students’ responses to the implementation of blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading. By usingpurposive sampling technique, the writer selected16 students at class XI-MIA 1 and the English teacheras the participants. The observation and the questionnairewere used as the research instruments. The writer used qualitative data analysis which were adapted from Miles and Huberman (1994), cited in Phakiti (2014, p. 154-155) to analyze the data.The results showed that the teacher implemented blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading through ten steps. The results also showed that the students perceived that the implementation of blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading enabled them to access reading materials by using web technologies outside and inside the class. The writer concluded that the teacher implemented blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading through ten steps. Those steps seem similar with the steps of implementing blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading which were proposed by Røkenes (2016, p. 320). The writer also concluded that there were some positive perceptions on the implementation of blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading.Regarding the conclusions, the English teachers were suggested to encourage the students to implement blended learning through digital storytelling in teaching reading in the classroom. Besides that, the students were also suggested to improve their reading skill and comprehension by using implementing blended learning through digital storytelling. In addition,the other researchers can use the result of this research in carrying out further studies because it gives a valuable reference and information for the other writers in conducting the similar research.